Contus / basicDIM ILD G2 HC CONT WH



CONTUS module with integrated basicDIM ILG G2 sensor and DALI control unit is ideal for industry, logistics, offices and education. The adapter in white enables tool-free installation on the trunking via a lever on the side.

The basicDIM ILD G2 HC CONT set consists of a PIR sensor (height 8-16m) with integrated DALI control module and 2 DALI bus supplies with 126 mA free power for additional sensors and luminaires. It controls DALI luminaires via a broadcast signal without individual addressing. Up to 8 additional sensors (MSENS CONT) can be added for motion detection. The light is controlled via the light sensor of the basicDIM ILD G2 module. 9 mA must be calculated per additional sensor and 2 mA per DALI luminaire, which means that 27 luminaires can still be controlled with a maximum of 8 additional sensors.

As supplied, the system offers activated motion detection and daylight-dependent light control with predefined follow-up times. All the main parameters can be set using the optional IR remote control (article 28003484). Further details can be found in the datasheet for the TRIDONIC basicDIM ILD G2 sensor 28002234. The module must not be combined with other DALI controllers or basicDIM ILD G2 modules.

ambient temperature: 0°C to +50°C
Weight: 0.55 kg

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